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The New World Order (Blog w/ lots of links to videos and pdf
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all seeing eye new world order tattoo illuminati pyramid eye surveillance cctv camera full body scanners illuminati signs illuminati north american union body scanners biometric technology iris scanne
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Mar 26, 2011

The New World Order is almost here!  Its the will of the Illuminati/Elite to establish this New World Order, with a more controlled society, dominated by the elite, and having continuous surveillance over every citizen.   

The Illuminati. The Illuminati are the ones controlling world affairs through present day governments and corporations and are behind events that will lead to the establishment of a New World Order.

New World Order, is a term used to describe the uniting of the world’s superpowers to secure and maintain global peace.  World leaders are excited at the prospects of entering a new era and the establishment of a “New World Order.” Gears and levers of history have been moved and adjusted, and a large-scale game of Monopoly has been played, with real currency and real assets shifting hands - a game with very real winners and losers. Unfortunately for the people of the world everything is going according to the New World Order plan. But what is this New World Order Plan? The Dark Agenda of the secret planners of the New World Order is to reduce the worlds population to a sustainable level in perpetual balance with nature by a ruthless Population Control Agenda via Population and Reproduction Control. A Mass Culling of the People via Planned Parenthood, toxic adulteration of water and food supplies, release of weaponised man-made viruses, man-made pandemics, mass vaccination campaigns and a planned Third World War. Then, the Dark Agenda will impose upon the drastically reduced world population a global feudal-fascist state with a World Government, World Religion, World Army, World Central Bank, World Currency and a micro-chipped population. In short, to kill 90% of the worlds population and to control all aspects of the human condition and thus rule everyone, everywhere from the cradle to the grave. 

What is their main agenda?  Order Out Of Chaos. This is where the masses, you and me (the sheep) are controlled and led down the path to their total control.  Cameras everywhere, check your papers please, get your biometric ids so you can eat and purchase goods, or step into the train headed to Internment Camps. So don't forget to say goodby to your friends and relatives unless you comply.  They now have total control. This is the future. 1984 is today!